The European Ring Ouzel and American Water Ouzel

The European Ring Ouzel and American Water Ouzel

European Ring Ouzel, male Photo Credit – Birdfact     European Ring Ouzel, female Photo Credit – Flickr     The Ring Ouzel, a member of the Thrush family, is only seen if visiting or living in Europe. There is no reference to the appearance 

The Pipits, Species of Birds

The Pipits, Species of Birds

American Pipit Photo Credit – American Bird Conservancy     There are about 40 pipit-named species worldwide, with the word “pipit” derived from the Meadow Pipit’s call “pi-pit.” Pipits are small, slender, drab-looking, streaky-brown birds with forenames often identifying their habitat, location, or coloring—such as 

Flickers, Sapsuckers, Wrynecks, Members of the Woodpecker Family That Ignore Their Family Designation in Their Title

Flickers, Sapsuckers, Wrynecks, Members of the Woodpecker Family That Ignore Their Family Designation in Their Title

 Woodpecker that does not drill holes, Northern Flicker males (red-shafted /yellow-shafted) Photo Credit – Cornell Lab. of Ornithology     The Northern Flicker (a species in the Woodpecker family) is on my golf course for the winter. Several birds recently flew low alongside the eighth 

Identifying Seagulls, Including the Sabine’s Gull

Identifying Seagulls, Including the Sabine’s Gull

Sabine’s Gull Photo Credit – eBird     On a recent pelagic birding cruise out of Ventura, CA., I spotted my first Sabine’s Gull, a small, delicate seagull Sir Edward Sabine first described in 1818. Unlike most seagulls, these are readily identified but rarely seen because they 

Great Blue Herons

Great Blue Herons

Great Blue Heron Nests Photo Credit – Louisa Cammidge     The above photo arrived a few days ago with the question, “To whom do these nests belong?” The location is Puget Sound on the northwest coast of the US state of Washington. The answer is 

Etiquette at Bird Feeders

Etiquette at Bird Feeders

Lesser Goldfinch at my Tube Feeder Photo Credit – Author     It has been a fascinating two years living in northern California, close to the Pacific Coast, observing the etiquette of birds that visit my bird feeders. Each specific species has a distinct bird 

Phoebe Birds of America

Phoebe Birds of America

Black Phoebe Photo Credit – Cornell Lab of Ornithology     Phoebes are smallish (6 inches/16 cm), insect-eating, perching songbirds native to the Americas. Black Phoebe – United States, Mexico, Central America, parts of South America Eastern Phoebe – Eastern North America Say’s Phoebe – 

Mistle Thrush and Other Turdidae Family Members

Mistle Thrush and Other Turdidae Family Members

Mistle Thrush Photo Credit – British Trust for Ornithology   This month, I am focusing on a bird I observed during my childhood in northern England: the Mistle Thrush. In the late 1950s, my ornithological colleagues at Bootham School reported that the Mistle Thrush was 

Migrant Birds, Featuring the Barn Swallow

Migrant Birds, Featuring the Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow Photo Credit – Birds and Blooms Magazine     My local Barn Swallows have arrived and have been constructing mud nests and feeding their offspring under the roof eaves of houses along the Corte Madera Creek near San Francisco. These avians make an 

Cory’s Shearwater and Birds of the Portuguese Azores and Madeira

Cory’s Shearwater and Birds of the Portuguese Azores and Madeira

Cory’s Shearwater off the coast of Madeira, Portugal Photo Credit – Author   Cory’s Shearwater is a large, heavy bird and a member of the seabird family Procelleridae. It breeds primarily in the Portuguese islands of the Azores and Madeira and the Canary Islands, Spain.  

To See a Mockingbird

To See a Mockingbird

Northern Mockingbird Photo Credit – the Author    Amidst a cacophony of mid-morning birdsong, a medium-sized bird, approximately 10 inches (25 cm) in length, caught my eye. Its tail, as long as its body, was a striking feature. The bird’s plumage was a mix of 

Scaup, A Confusion of Ducks and Geese

Scaup, A Confusion of Ducks and Geese

Greater Scaup (male with the white plumage) Photo Credit – Cornell Lab: All About Birds   California winter visitors, the Greater Scaup, have recently left the coastal creek near my home and returned to their breeding grounds along the West Coast up to Alaska. Previously, 

American Kestrel, Small Falcon with a Large Appetite

American Kestrel, Small Falcon with a Large Appetite

Eurasian or Common Kestrel: Photo Credit – Wikipedia   American Kestrel Photo Credit – Cornell Lab of Ornithology   Thank you, Sonoma Land Trust, for connecting me with the beautiful American Kestrel, the smallest raptor in North America, during a recent visit to the Sonoma 

Hummingbirds That Live In California

Hummingbirds That Live In California

Humming-bird Hawk-moth Photo Credit – Graeham Mounteney, Butterfly Conservation   Hummingbirds are small, often migratory birds that inhabit the Americas. They have compact bodies, long, narrow beaks, and relatively long blade-like wings. The latter allows them to fly in every direction and to hover. Typically, 

Belted Kingfisher: What You Need To Know

Belted Kingfisher: What You Need To Know

Belted Kingfisher Photo Credit – I-naturalist (Birds of San Diego County)   I usually hear the Belted Kingfisher rather than see one when walking alongside the Corte Madera Creek near San Francisco. Occasionally, you might observe one perched above the water or hovering on rapidly